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Merges the fields of two or more datasets.

output = clumerge(datasets, varargin)

Merges the fields (specified in fields) of two or more datasets (cell of structs). The fields to be merged need to have the same number of columns. The corresponding merged field will contain the rows of the fields to be merged, and will have a common supertype.

Arguments (mandatory)

  • datasets: Cell of structs, each struct containing a cluster data set whose fields are to be merged.

Arguments (optional)

  • fields: Fields to be merged, which must exist in the given datasets (structs).
  • clusters_field: Field containing the integer cluster labels. If specified, cluster assignments in individual datasets will be updated in the merged dataset so that clusters are considered separate.

Return values

A struct, the fields of which correspond to field names, and values to the merged numerical arrays.


The clusters_field parameter specifies a field containing integers that identify the cluster to which the respective points belongs to. If clusters_field is specified (by default it's specified as 'clusters', cluster assignments in individual datasets will be updated in the merged dataset so that clusters are considered separate. This parameter can be set to '' (empty char array), in which case no field will be considered as a special cluster assignments field.

This function can be used to merge data sets (structs) generated with the clugen() function, by default merging the points and clusters fields in those data sets. It also works with arbitrary data by specifying alternative fields in the fields parameter. It can be used, for example, to merge third-party data with clugen()-generated data.


o1 = clugen(2, 4, 400, [1 0], pi / 8, [50, 10], 20, 1, 2);
o2 = clugen(2, 3, 200, [1 0.5], pi / 4, [50, 50], 10, 0.1, 2.1);
om = clumerge({o1, o2});