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Determine coordinates of points on a line with center and direction, based on the distances from the center given in dist_center.

points = points_on_line(center, direction, dist_center)

This works by using the vector formulation of the line equation assuming direction is a \(n\)-dimensional unit vector. In other words, considering \(\mathbf{d}=\) direction (\(n \times 1\)), \(\mathbf{c}=\) center (\(n \times 1\)), and \(\mathbf{w}=\) dist_center (\(p \times 1\)), the coordinates of points on the line are given by:

\[ \mathbf{P}=\mathbf{1}\,\mathbf{c}^T + \mathbf{w}\mathbf{d}^T \]

where \(\mathbf{P}\) is the \(p \times n\) matrix of point coordinates on the line, and \(\mathbf{1}\) is a \(p \times 1\) vector with all entries equal to 1.


  • center - Center of the line (\(n \times 1\) vector).
  • direction - Line direction (\(n \times 1\) unit vector).
  • dist_center - Distance of each point to the center of the line (\(p \times 1\) vector, where \(p\) is the number of points).

Return values

  • points - Coordinates of points on the specified line (\(p \times n\) matrix).


points_on_line([5; 5], [1; 0], (-4:2:4)') % 2D, 5 points
% ans =
%    1   5
%    3   5
%    5   5
%    7   5
%    9   5
points_on_line([-2; 0; 0; 2], [0; 0; -1; 0], [10; -10]) % 4D, 2 points
% ans =
%    -2    0  -10    2
%    -2    0   10    2