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Examples in 2D

This section contains several examples on how to generate 2D data with pyclugen. To run the examples we first need to import the clugen() function:

import numpy as np
from pyclugen import clugen

To plot these examples we use the plot_examples_2d function:

from plot_functions import plot_examples_2d

Manipulating the direction of cluster-supporting lines

Using the direction parameter

seed = 123
e001 = clugen(2, 4, 2000, [1, 0], 0, [10, 10], 10, 1.5, 0.5, rng=seed)
e002 = clugen(2, 4, 200, [1, 1], 0, [10, 10], 10, 1.5, 0.5, rng=seed)
e003 = clugen(2, 4, 200, [0, 1], 0, [10, 10], 10, 1.5, 0.5, rng=seed)
    e001, "e001: direction = [1, 0]",
    e002, "e002: direction = [1, 1]",
    e003, "e003: direction = [0, 1]")

e001: direction = [1, 0], e002: direction = [1, 1], e003: direction = [0, 1]

Changing the angle_disp parameter and using a custom angle_deltas_fn function

seed = 321
# Custom angle_deltas function: arbitrarily rotate some clusters by 90 degrees
def angdel_90_fn(nclu, astd, rng):
    return rng.choice([0, np.pi / 2], size=nclu)
e004 = clugen(2, 6, 500, [1, 0], 0, [10, 10], 10, 1.5, 0.5, rng=seed)
e005 = clugen(2, 6, 500, [1, 0], np.pi / 8, [10, 10], 10, 1.5, 0.5, rng=seed)
e006 = clugen(2, 6, 500, [1, 0], 0, [10, 10], 10, 1.5, 0.5, rng=seed,
    e004, "e004: angle_disp = 0",
    e005, "e005: angle_disp = π/8",
    e006, "e006: custom angle_deltas function")

e004: angle_disp = 0, e005: angle_disp = π/8, e006: custom angle_deltas function

Manipulating the length of cluster-supporting lines

Using the llength parameter

seed = 567
e007 = clugen(2, 5, 800, [1, 0], np.pi / 10, [10, 10],  0, 0, 0.5, rng=seed,
e008 = clugen(2, 5, 800, [1, 0], np.pi / 10, [10, 10], 10, 0, 0.5, rng=seed,
e009 = clugen(2, 5, 800, [1, 0], np.pi / 10, [10, 10], 30, 0, 0.5, rng=seed,
    e007, "e007: llength = 0",
    e008, "e008: llength = 10",
    e009, "e009: llength = 30")

e007: llength = 0, e008: llength = 10, e009: llength = 30

Changing the llength_disp parameter and using a custom llengths_fn function

seed = 567
# Custom llengths function: line lengths grow for each new cluster
def llen_grow_fn(nclu, llen, llenstd, rng):
    return llen * np.arange(nclu) + rng.normal(scale=llenstd, size=nclu)
e010 = clugen(2, 5, 800, [1, 0], np.pi / 10, [10, 10], 15,  0.0, 0.5, rng=seed,
e011 = clugen(2, 5, 800, [1, 0], np.pi / 10, [10, 10], 15, 10.0, 0.5, rng=seed,
e012 = clugen(2, 5, 800, [1, 0], np.pi / 10, [10, 10], 10,  0.1, 0.5, rng=seed,
    llengths_fn=llen_grow_fn, point_dist_fn="n")
    e010, "e010: llength_disp = 0.0",
    e011, "e011: llength_disp = 5.0",
    e012, "e012: custom llengths function")

e010: llength_disp = 0.0, e011: llength_disp = 5.0, e012: custom llengths function

Manipulating relative cluster positions

Using the cluster_sep parameter

seed = 21
e013 = clugen(2, 8, 1000, [1, 1], np.pi / 4, [10, 10], 10, 2, 2.5, rng=seed)
e014 = clugen(2, 8, 1000, [1, 1], np.pi / 4, [30, 10], 10, 2, 2.5, rng=seed)
e015 = clugen(2, 8, 1000, [1, 1], np.pi / 4, [10, 30], 10, 2, 2.5, rng=seed)
plt = plot_examples_2d(
    e013, "e013: cluster_sep = [10, 10]",
    e014, "e014: cluster_sep = [30, 10]",
    e015, "e015: cluster_sep = [10, 30]")

e013: cluster_sep = [10, 10], e014: cluster_sep = [30, 10], e015: cluster_sep = [10, 30]

Changing the cluster_offset parameter and using a custom clucenters_fn function

seed = 21
# Custom clucenters function: places clusters in a diagonal
def centers_diag_fn(nclu, csep, coff, rng):
    return np.ones((nclu, len(csep))) * np.arange(1, nclu + 1)[:, None] * np.max(csep) + coff
e016 = clugen(2, 8, 1000, [1, 1], np.pi / 4, [10, 10], 10, 2, 2.5, rng=seed)
e017 = clugen(2, 8, 1000, [1, 1], np.pi / 4, [10, 10], 10, 2, 2.5, rng=seed,
    cluster_offset=[20, -20])
e018 = clugen(2, 8, 1000, [1, 1], np.pi / 4, [10, 10], 10, 2, 2.5, rng=seed,
    cluster_offset=[-50, -50], clucenters_fn=centers_diag_fn)
plt = plot_examples_2d(
    e016, "e016: default",
    e017, "e017: cluster_offset = [20, -20]",
    e018, "e018: custom clucenters function")

e016: default, e017: cluster_offset = [20, -20], e018: custom clucenters function

Lateral dispersion and placement of point projections on the line

Normal projection placement (default): proj_dist_fn = "norm"

seed = 654
e019 = clugen(2, 4, 1000, [1, 0], np.pi / 2, [20, 20], 13, 2, 0.0, rng=seed)
e020 = clugen(2, 4, 1000, [1, 0], np.pi / 2, [20, 20], 13, 2, 1.0, rng=seed)
e021 = clugen(2, 4, 1000, [1, 0], np.pi / 2, [20, 20], 13, 2, 3.0, rng=seed)
plt = plot_examples_2d(
    e019, "e019: lateral_disp = 0",
    e020, "e020: lateral_disp = 1",
    e021, "e021: lateral_disp = 3")

e019: lateral_disp = 0, e020: lateral_disp = 1, e021: lateral_disp = 3

Uniform projection placement: proj_dist_fn = "unif"

seed = 654
e022 = clugen(2, 4, 1000, [1, 0], np.pi / 2, [20, 20], 13, 2, 0.0, rng=seed,
e023 = clugen(2, 4, 1000, [1, 0], np.pi / 2, [20, 20], 13, 2, 1.0, rng=seed,
e024 = clugen(2, 4, 1000, [1, 0], np.pi / 2, [20, 20], 13, 2, 3.0, rng=seed,
plt = plot_examples_2d(
    e022, "e022: lateral_disp = 0",
    e023, "e023: lateral_disp = 1",
    e024, "e024: lateral_disp = 3")

e022: lateral_disp = 0, e023: lateral_disp = 1, e024: lateral_disp = 3

Custom projection placement using the Laplace distribution

# Custom proj_dist_fn: point projections placed using the Laplace distribution
def proj_laplace(len, n, rng):
    return rng.laplace(scale=len / 6, size=n)
e025 = clugen(2, 4, 1000, [1, 0], np.pi / 2, [20, 20], 13, 2, 0.0, rng=seed,
e026 = clugen(2, 4, 1000, [1, 0], np.pi / 2, [20, 20], 13, 2, 1.0, rng=seed,
e027 = clugen(2, 4, 1000, [1, 0], np.pi / 2, [20, 20], 13, 2, 3.0, rng=seed,
plt = plot_examples_2d(
    e025, "e025: lateral_disp = 0",
    e026, "e026: lateral_disp = 1",
    e027, "e027: lateral_disp = 3")

e025: lateral_disp = 0, e026: lateral_disp = 1, e027: lateral_disp = 3

Controlling final point positions from their projections on the cluster-supporting line

Points on hyperplane orthogonal to cluster-supporting line (default): point_dist_fn = "n-1"

seed = 1357
# Custom proj_dist_fn: point projections placed using the Laplace distribution
def proj_laplace(len, n, rng):
    return rng.laplace(scale=len / 6, size=n)
e028 = clugen(2, 5, 1500, [1, 0], np.pi / 3, [20, 20], 12, 3, 1.0, rng=seed)
e029 = clugen(2, 5, 1500, [1, 0], np.pi / 3, [20, 20], 12, 3, 1.0, rng=seed,
e030 = clugen(2, 5, 1500, [1, 0], np.pi / 3, [20, 20], 12, 3, 1.0, rng=seed,
plt = plot_examples_2d(
    e028, "e028: proj_dist_fn=\"norm\" (default)",
    e029, "e029: proj_dist_fn=\"unif\"",
    e030, "e030: custom proj_dist_fn (Laplace)")

e028: proj_dist_fn="norm" (default), e029: proj_dist_fn="unif", e030: custom proj_dist_fn (Laplace)

Points around projection on cluster-supporting line: point_dist_fn = "n"

seed = 1357
# Custom proj_dist_fn: point projections placed using the Laplace distribution
def proj_laplace(len, n, rng):
    return rng.laplace(scale=len / 6, size=n)
e031 = clugen(2, 5, 1500, [1, 0], np.pi / 3, [20, 20], 12, 3, 1.0, rng=seed,
e032 = clugen(2, 5, 1500, [1, 0], np.pi / 3, [20, 20], 12, 3, 1.0, rng=seed,
    point_dist_fn="n", proj_dist_fn="unif")
e033 = clugen(2, 5, 1500, [1, 0], np.pi / 3, [20, 20], 12, 3, 1.0, rng=seed,
    point_dist_fn="n", proj_dist_fn=proj_laplace)
plt = plot_examples_2d(
    e031, "e031: proj_dist_fn=\"norm\" (default)",
    e032, "e032: proj_dist_fn=\"unif\"",
    e033, "e033: custom proj_dist_fn (Laplace)")

e031: proj_dist_fn="norm" (default), e032: proj_dist_fn="unif", e033: custom proj_dist_fn (Laplace)

Custom point placement using the exponential distribution

For this example we require the clupoints_n_1_template() helper function:

from pyclugen import clupoints_n_1_template
seed = 1357
# Custom point_dist_fn: final points placed using the Exponential distribution
def clupoints_n_1_exp(projs, lat_std, len, clu_dir, clu_ctr, rng):
    def dist_exp(npts, lstd, rg):
        return lstd * rg.exponential(scale=2 / lstd, size=npts)
    return clupoints_n_1_template(projs, lat_std, clu_dir, dist_exp, rng=rng)
# Custom proj_dist_fn: point projections placed using the Laplace distribution
def proj_laplace(len, n, rng):
    return rng.laplace(scale=len / 6, size=n)
e034 = clugen(2, 5, 1500, [1, 0], np.pi / 3, [20, 20], 12, 3, 1.0, rng=seed,
e035 = clugen(2, 5, 1500, [1, 0], np.pi / 3, [20, 20], 12, 3, 1.0, rng=seed,
    point_dist_fn=clupoints_n_1_exp, proj_dist_fn="unif")
e036 = clugen(2, 5, 1500, [1, 0], np.pi / 3, [20, 20], 12, 3, 1.0, rng=seed,
    point_dist_fn=clupoints_n_1_exp, proj_dist_fn=proj_laplace)
plt = plot_examples_2d(
    e034, "e034: proj_dist_fn=\"norm\" (default)",
    e035, "e035: proj_dist_fn=\"unif\"",
    e036, "e036: custom proj_dist_fn (Laplace)")

e034: proj_dist_fn="norm" (default), e035: proj_dist_fn="unif", e036: custom proj_dist_fn (Laplace)

Manipulating cluster sizes

seed = 963
# Custom clusizes_fn (e038): cluster sizes determined via the uniform distribution,
# no correction for total points
def clusizes_unif(nclu, npts, ae, rng):
    return rng.integers(low=1, high=2 * npts / nclu + 1, size=nclu)
# Custom clusizes_fn (e039): clusters all have the same size, no correction for total points
def clusizes_equal(nclu, npts, ae, rng):
    return (npts // nclu) * np.ones(nclu, dtype=int)
# Custom clucenters_fn (all): yields fixed positions for the clusters
def centers_fixed(nclu, csep, coff, rng):
    return np.array([[-csep[0], -csep[1]], [csep[0], -csep[1]], [-csep[0], csep[1]], [csep[0], csep[1]]])
e037 = clugen(2, 4, 1500, [1, 1], np.pi, [20, 20], 0, 0, 5, rng=seed,
    point_dist_fn="n", clucenters_fn=centers_fixed)
e038 = clugen(2, 4, 1500, [1, 1], np.pi, [20, 20], 0, 0, 5, rng=seed,
    point_dist_fn="n", clucenters_fn=centers_fixed, clusizes_fn=clusizes_unif)
e039 = clugen(2, 4, 1500, [1, 1], np.pi, [20, 20], 0, 0, 5, rng=seed,
    point_dist_fn="n", clucenters_fn=centers_fixed, clusizes_fn=clusizes_equal)
plt = plot_examples_2d(
    e037, "e037: normal dist. (default)",
    e038, "e038: unif. dist. (custom)",
    e039, "e039: equal size (custom)")

e037: normal dist. (default), e038: unif. dist. (custom), e039: equal size (custom)

Direct specification of optional parameters

seed = 123
e040 = clugen(2, 4, 1000, [-1, 1], 0, [0, 0], 0, 0, 0.2, rng=seed,
    proj_dist_fn="unif", point_dist_fn="n", clusizes_fn=[50, 200, 500, 2000],
    llengths_fn=[0, 2, 4, 6], clucenters_fn=[[-5, -5], [-2.5, -2.5], [0, 0], [2.5, 2.5]])

e041 = clugen(2, 5, 1000, [[1, 1], [1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]],
    0, [0, 0], 0, 0, 0.2, rng=seed,
    proj_dist_fn="unif", point_dist_fn="n",
    clusizes_fn=[200, 500, 500, 500, 500], llengths_fn=[0, 5, 5, 5, 5],
    clucenters_fn=[[0, 0], [0, 5], [0, -5], [5, 0], [-5, 0]])

e042 = clugen(2, 5, 1000, [[0, 1], [0.25, 0.75], [0.5, 0.5], [0.75, 0.25], [1, 0]],
    0, [0, 0], 5, 0, 0.2, rng=seed,
    proj_dist_fn="unif", point_dist_fn="n", clusizes_fn=[500, 500, 500, 500, 500],
    clucenters_fn=[[-5, 0], [-3, -0.3], [-1, -0.8], [1, -1.6], [3, -2.5]])
plt = plot_examples_2d(
    e040, "e040: direct params 1",
    e041, "e041: direct params 2",
    e042, "e042: direct params 3")

e040: direct params 1, e041: direct params 2, e042: direct params 3

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 9.586 seconds)

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