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Generate points from their n-dimensional projections on a cluster-supporting line, placing each point around its projection using the normal distribution (μ=0, σ=lat_disp).

points = clupoints_n(projs, lat_disp, line_len, clu_dir, clu_ctr)

This function's main intended use is by the clugen() function, generating the final points when the point_dist_fn parameter is set to "n".


  • projs: Point projections on the cluster-supporting line.
  • lat_disp: Standard deviation for the normal distribution, i.e., cluster lateral dispersion.
  • line_len: Length of cluster-supporting line (ignored).
  • clu_dir: Direction of the cluster-supporting line.
  • clu_ctr: Center position of the cluster-supporting line (ignored).

Return values

  • points: Generated points (\(p \times n\) matrix).


This function is stochastic. For reproducibility set the PRNG seed with cluseed() as discussed in the Reference.


ctr = [0; 0];
direc = [1; 0];
pdist = [-0.5; -0.2; 0.1; 0.3];
proj = points_on_line(ctr, direc, pdist);
clupoints_n(proj, 0.01, nan, direc, nan)
% ans =
%   -0.4980617   0.0061540
%   -0.1906538  -0.0020521
%    0.0852033   0.0163463
%    0.3025630  -0.0110016